Monday, July 30, 2012

Summertime, Summertime

June and July have flown by in blur of heat and record temperatures but there have been some fun goings' on at Yarn Cravin' in spite of heat.In June we celebrated World Wide Knit In Public (WWKIP) Day, complete with contests, prizes, and companionship.DSC_0511


Thank goodness for shade and cool drinks that day!

We also had future knitters in attendance.

A very popular pattern on Ravelry right now is the Beekeeper's Quilt. It's made from many hexagonal, stuffed "puffs," which are sewn together. Kay H. brought her hexapuffs to work on that day and showed them to us.

Novelty yarns have come back into style and many have expressed a desire to knit a scarf from novelty yarn, but not wanted anything too complicated. Here's the answer:DSC_0528

The ribbon comes with holes already pre-punched for the knitter to knit through. One simply knits a garter stitch scarf to produce the ruffled scarf shown above! Look at the variety of colors and prints:DSC_0527

Yarn Cravin' finally has Kauni Effekt yarn! This yarn is wool, great for socks, or colorwork projects and is famous for its long color repeats. It's flying out of the shop. Yes, we have patterns, also!DSC_0525

We also have Fame Trend sock yarn in a myriad of colors.DSC_0531

July has been consumed by the Sock Marathon, with goals set by many knitters for completion of individual socks. A winner will be announced soon. Everyone who participated wins, though, since so many socks have been finished and now single socks have mates! Way to go, knitters!


  • After Labor Day, Yarn Cravin' will be open on Mondays again. Shop hours will be changing, however. Tuesdays and Thursdays will still have late hours.
  • Recently Yarn Cravin's email list was lost by their email host during a server change. If you want to keep receiving emails from Yarn Cravin', please go to Yarn Cravin' website and sign up again. You don't want to miss out on valuable information!
  • The Porch Sale is still happening.
  • The shop can sell Ravelry patterns directly from the shop. Choose your yarn and the pattern all at once!
As always, we're here to help with projects, questions and fiber needs.